September 7, 2009

The Wolf and the Deer

A long time ago, in a forest far, far away, there was a very hungry, hungry wolf that was on the brink of starvation. So he said to himself, “I must have something to eat!" And he set off.

Before long, he came across a buck drinking from shallow creek. Planning to outsmart the deer, he said to the deer, "Let us be friends!" And so they became fast friends.

Later that night, the cunning wolf attacked the deer, and the deer was killed by the wolf.

Choose your friends with wisdom.

September 6, 2009

Another Short Story

"Call all of the knights to the table.” said Arthur to a passing scribe as he trotted off with his robes flowing in the breeze of the drafty castle.

When they arrived at the Round Table, there were no other knights to meet them. “Something isn’t right.” Just then, at least two dozen knights in ominous black armor rose from their hiding spaces behind chairs and tapestries to surround the three, outnumbered knights. Seeing any resistance as useless, they dropped their weapons. Almost immediately, they were securely bound and gagged.

The crowd of Dark Knights led the group through secret tunnels that even King Arthur had no knowledge of. Then, the walls turned from stone to hard, packed earth as the trio was led roughly pushed forward. Only dim, handheld torches led the way through the covert passageway. Almost immediately, the dirt floor started to decline so sharply Sir Keyan nearly lost his balance.

Soon, faint daylight could be seen ahead and the black knights painfully shoved them towards the light. As they came out of the tunnel, they could see they were in a cave that had been apparently been used as a living quarters. It was now that their gags were removed.

When the assembly went out of the cave, they saw the beach and an enormous ship just offshore. Now the leader of the knights stopped and took off his helmet to reveal the face of ....

July 6, 2009


Since nobody has voted yet, I will give you a preview of a book that I am working on.

He had been waiting for this a long time. It was finally teacher against student. The Dark Knight quickly turned around, threw Keyan off the hill, and rushed towards Sir Keyan’s apprentice with his saber flying. Within a few swings of his powerful sword, the apprentice, Tanau, was badly wounded. At this, The Dark Knight briefly choked him, then threw Tanou off of the small hill.

Now Sir Keyan had began to recover. Everything was going exactly as The Black Knight had planned it. Keyan started trekking up the sand dune. The Dark Knight fought ferociously but Keyan returned with more than twice the power. After nearly an hour of grueling combat, Keyan stunned his opponent with an uppercut with his gauntlet, then Keyan sent the last swing of his saber and the knight lay dead.
Keyan walked over to feel for his accomplice’s pulse. Nothing. Then Keyan remembered something King Arthur had once said to him. “All victories come at a cost.”

The words rang in his mind as he headed to his horse, Red Hawk. Keyan stroked his horse's mane as he galloped off, but King Arthur's words still rang in his mind.

Please Vote!

Please vote on the subjects provided! It will help me create the posts in the future.
Thanks, Blake Bishop